NDT operators exhamination center
NDT operators exhamination center

NDT operators exhamination center

The Exam Center is qualified and Bureau Veritas certified

Non-destructive Examination operators in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9712

Regulation IT-IND-REG-01_NDT.IND For the execution of level 1, 2 and 3 operator certification exams in the methods: RT-RI / UT / MT / PT / VT / LT / AT / GW / TT

At our headquarters in Vado Ligure (SV) we carry out preparation courses for the aforementioned exams, to be agreed with our Technical Office

Ispeco srl con socio unico (sig. Triolo Cateno) | Via Trieste, 111 - 17047 Vado Ligure | P.IVA/C.F. 00975490095 | Iscritta alla CCIA Riviere di Liguria, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona - REA SV 103-710 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v. | PEC ispeco@pec.it
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