The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.
The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.
The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.
The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.
The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.
The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.

Acoustic emissions - AE

The Acoustic Emissions are an excellent analysis tool for predictive maintenance.

A control technique to prevent breakage of a concrete pillar, loss of a storage tank etc.

In Italy, this technique is widely used to check the bottoms of storage tanks (control approved by the AIA), in order to prevent any leaks.

The tank needs some precautions to make it suitable for control with noise emissions, to be agreed during the site inspection.
This technique has the following characteristics:

  • listening only, no signals are generated as in the UT
  • perfect for predictive maintenance
  • it does not replace traditional methods
  • only for dynamic processes
  • it is not suitable for analysis of "invariant" phenomena in defects
  • Qualitative only
  • screening control, to be completed with standard methods for semi-quantitative measurements.

Advantages for checking the tanks

  • There is no need to empty, clean up and open the tank (put out of operation).
  • Ability to identify, in a tank park, only those that actually need repairs, or in any case an additional investigation.


  • Non destructive tests (pressure vessels, pipelines, aircraft components)
  • Detection and localization of corrosion and leaks (bottoms of storage tanks or ship hulls)
  • Research in materials (investigations on material properties, fatigue tests and failure)
  • Geological and Micro-seismic Research
  • Monitoring of civil engineering structures (bridges, pillars ect.)

Ispeco srl con socio unico (sig. Triolo Cateno) | Via Trieste, 111 - 17047 Vado Ligure | P.IVA/C.F. 00975490095 | Iscritta alla CCIA Riviere di Liguria, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona - REA SV 103-710 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v. | PEC
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