Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics
Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics
Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics
Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics
Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics
Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics

Corrosion mapping

Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics

A non-invasive control technique that maps the thickness of the material using ultrasound techniques.

Variations in material thickness due to corrosion can be identified and graphically portrayted as an image.

The technique is widely used in the oil and gas industries for the in-service detection and characterization of corrosion in pipes and vessels.

Data is stored on a computer and can be color-coded to show differences in thickness readings.

This technique brings significant improvements for:

  • Probability of detection
  • Characterization of defects
  • Coverage of the area under control
  • Repeatability

Corrosion can be mapped using single, double or phased array zero degree probes.

ISPECO has implemented a phased array system with Wheel Probe 2 for the Corrosion Mapping / Corrosion Monitoring.

Thanks to the efficiency, performance and precision provided by WP2, large areas can be quickly inspected and data analyzed to determine if urgent critical action is needed. In addition, this technique allows the user to compare large amounts of data over time, to perform preventive maintenance, reducing potential downtime.

Ispeco srl con socio unico (sig. Triolo Cateno) | Via Trieste, 111 - 17047 Vado Ligure | P.IVA/C.F. 00975490095 | Iscritta alla CCIA Riviere di Liguria, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona - REA SV 103-710 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v. | PEC
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