Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD
Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD

Ultrasonic control with Phased Array method - TOFD

Phased Array ultrasonic control - TOFD

Phased Array technique is an advanced ultrasonic control to detect defects on welds, castings, forgings etc.

Phased Array technology consists in the use in a single probe of a series of crystals, arranged parallel on the same axis, which emit ultrasonic waves sequentially and with specific delays. Depending on the characteristics of the equipment used, it is possible to vary the times and modes of emission of the ultrasound beam.

Phased Array techniques also allow the user to control parameters such as beam and focal distance to create an image of the area to be controlled, improving the detection of the defect and the speed of the test. In addition, using the latest technology, data can be permanently recorded and stored for analysis and report generation.

Thanks to its potential, Phased Array technique is able to replace radiographic checks in the search for defects on prefabricated or in service welds.

Through the representation of the weld within the available layouts, defects can be identified in real time. Phased Array tool can be integrated and customized with:

  • automatic or manual magnetic scanners for correct component scanning and analysis
  • encoder for better localization of any defects.
  • bracelet for checking small diameter pipes (up to dn. 40 – 1.57 in)

The main advantages of Phased Array control

  •  Alternative control to radiography / gammagraphy

  • Possibility of digital archiving of the scan performed
  • Possibility to provide the CUSTOMER with the visualization software for further analysis of the scan.
Phased Array technique is recommended for:
  • verify the presence of disbonding;
  • verify the presence of anomalies caused by hydrogen attacks with particular reference to blistering (Hydrogen blistering) and step-wise cracking (Hydrogen induced cracks "HIC").
If you were looking for Phased Array technique for Corrosion Mapping see


The main advantages of Phased Array control
The main advantages of Phased Array control
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