ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.
ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.

Tank Verticality Control

ISPECO has expanded its tank inspection potential with 3D Laser Scan technology.

The Z + F IMAGER 5010X system allows the acquisition of point clouds in a truly short time to reconstruct very large objects such as tanks, lines, columns, refining plants, buildings with very high precision.Fields of application:

  • Storage tanks

The Laser Scan is used to check the stability of a tank (also according to API 653):

  • through the analysis of the verticality deviation of its walls (out-of-plumbness);
  • roundness;
  • deformation on horizontal sections (peaking);
  • deformation on vertical sections (banding).
In addition to checking the stability of a tank, the volume of the containment basin can be calculated to ensure that, in the event of a leak, this is large enough to contain 80% of the entire volume of the tank.

Ispeco srl con socio unico (sig. Triolo Cateno) | Via Trieste, 111 - 17047 Vado Ligure | P.IVA/C.F. 00975490095 | Iscritta alla CCIA Riviere di Liguria, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona - REA SV 103-710 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v. | PEC
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